2019 May-#52 - Aki Saarinen on "AI" & Lehel Babos on "UI Animation" ...
102 participants
Indeed Tamachi (new office) Tamachi Station Towers S 18F, Shibaura 3-1-21, Minato-ku, Tokyo
There will be two presentations on the night:
Lehel Babos
UI Animation 101: A Practical Guide to Getting Started
Lehel is a UX/UI Designer, and occasional front end developer who recently moved to Tokyo. Previously he was at IBM, Canada in the data analytics and visualization space. He will talk about the benefits, principles and best practices of UI animation, along with some practical advice you can put to use in your own projects.
Aki Saarinen
AI will change your product
Aki is Co-founder & CTO at Day One Tech. He will talk about how the rapid changes in data and machine learning will change how we interact with products and services. He will share thoughts on how AI is impacting product design and why you should care even when your job is not technical.
Then there will be networking until 9pm. And then the world famous nijikai (after party).
It’s an open, inclusive group. Anyone interested in UX is welcome. Please get in touch if you have any questions.
We’re always interested in hearing from people who’d like to give a presentation.